Get a Detox - Chapter 5
Friday, July 13, 2012 at 10:45AM
Lorraine in Brew Tap, Detox, detox diet, detoxification

Well that's very interesting.  I sat yesterday evening in the pub with friends waiting for the weekly quiz to start and watched them eat fish and chips The slight revelation is that I felt no compulsion to join them.  Not even to steal a chip.  And that's without having eaten for nearly forty-eight hours.  I stuck to water too and watched with only a minor pang as they finished off a bottle of wine.  Maybe there is something in this detoxing after all.

This morning I feel right chipper.  I finished the liquid-only fast and treated myself to some fruit.  I am looking forward to my brown rice and vegetable lunch.  My skin looks smoother and clearer and my eyes are sparkling without the help of Optrex eye whitening drops.  I notice when I dress that I don't have quite such a muffin-top over my jeans.  I checked my weight and the scales said 65.5kg, again.  I am surprised about that.  Either my body is a bit weird or the scales are wrong, or both.  But I don't terribly care because I am feeling quite good and at the moment the world is alive and bopping about through rose-tinted lens.  This all might change a bit later though.

I have been invited on a night out with my girlfriends, down at the Brew Tap.  This will be much harder than last night as there will be a mammoth range of good beers on sale and I am rather partial to a good real ale. The conversation will flow and I think there will be dancing.  It will finish late.  My question is, will I manage to see the night through surviving only on sparkling mineral water?  I don't mind the restricted diet, I kind of like it actually because it takes a lot of the decision-making process out of dinner and creates not much washing up.  I can even live without the coffee and chocolate.  But the no-alcohol rule?  That's harder, much harder.

Watch out for tomorrow morning's update. 



Article originally appeared on Adventures of the NeverTooLate Girl (
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