Cuba day 3, part 3 – An American Invasion, Is this Butlins? And Drifting Away.

The water felt good as the tiny waves broke against my ankles and my toes sunk into the soft white sand. I put up my hand to shield my eyes from the sun, it was just past midday, and all I could see was the far shore of the crescent that made up this bay, shimmering in the distance. I’d been in the sun for maybe five minutes, perhaps less, but already I felt the prickle of heat on my skin and the sensation of burning starting to sweep over my back. Taking my hand down from my brow I rested it on my right shoulder and knew I would suffer later.
Playa Largos is one of the two beaches that played host to the American 'Bay of Pigs' invasion in 1961. What started off as a low-key covert action against the Castro regime mushroomed, thanks to the CIA, into a full-scale invasion backed by a 1400-strong force of CIA-trained Cuban exiles and financed with a total military budget of US$13m. It was an unmitigated disaster, many of the invading force were left stranded on the beach and gave themselves up in a blink of an eye (allegedly) and then were returned to the US a year later in exchange for US$53 million worth of food and medicine. Needless to say, the Americans didn’t try it again. What it did do was consolidate Castro’s preference for a Soviet economic partner and the rest, as they say, is history. ‘Socialism or death’ became Castro’s defiant motif.
Today, though, all is tranquil, the sea is as warm as bathwater and so clear I can see I am playing host to a school of tiny fish weaving in and out between my feet. As I turn and look back to the beach I notice the chef from the little pink stuccoed café is sitting at one of his own tables, his head thrown back into a loud laugh and for a moment it looks like his hat will fall off. It is low-season here and so he sits, with his friends and passes the time. Beyond him is the low level building where the changing rooms are and a veranda, empty but for our party and a waitress who has tried to sell us some drinks and food. It’s a small resort, scattered with small brightly coloured cottages all with the same rocking chairs and two-person table on the small patio at their front. It reminds me of Butlins, England, circa 1970. A Cuban holiday destination, not really popular with tourists and today, almost empty. No bodies stretched out on the sand slowly spit-roasting, nobody out on the windsurfers. Just a small party of Brits enjoying the beach and the sun.
The sand in getting to the sea made us hop and holler and we are pleased to make the water’s edge and plunge in. The sun has bleached the view into shades of white and palest blue and sets the air over the water dancing. Some seabirds squark loudly and we all turn around, trying to see what has spooked them. Spread in a line, we slowly walk out from the shore first ten meters and stop, then twenty an stop, then fifty and the sea is still only up to our thighs. It feels strange to be so far from the shore and yet still not in deep enough water for swimming. I remember that sharks can swim in only three feet of water and though its an illogical thought it sends a nervous shot of adrenaline up my spine and sparking around my brain. But I want to swim and so I keep walking until my feet naturally lift from the sand and I strike out, with gentle strokes. After a while I rotate until I am facing the sky and my arms and legs open out into the shape of a star. I lay suspended, floating, with my eyes closed, and feel the rise and fall of the water and listen to the breaking of the waves not far away. My closed eyelids are scarlet red in the harsh sunlight and I taste salt in the corners of my mouth. I know I am drifting a little but I feel comfortable and safe in the embrace of the water around me. Then I open my eyes and slowly turn over. The rest of the group seem quite far away so I kick my legs and head back to join them. Back on the minibus we watch a Channel 4 video documentary film about the life of Fidel Castro. I try to stay awake but feel myself drawn into sleep, my eyes dry and gritty.
We stop for a short while at Cienfuegos, which sits in an enviable waterside setting just a little bit further around the natural bay. The original French colonizers arrived in the early eighteen hundreds and set about making this a little bit of France and this can be seen in its neoclassical styling and colonnaded buildings which seem to sit confidently and serenely around its central plaza. It was named a Unesco World Heritage site in 2005. We have time for a stroll to admire the statue of José Martí, the Italian-influenced theatre on the north size of the plaza (sadly closed today) and the quality of the handmade ice-cream which we discover at a small ice-cream counter hidden behind a narrow door in an otherwise un-notable expanse of wall. Inside, seated on plastic chairs pushed against peeling paint and lino floor, locals make satisfied noises as they dip into their treat. They watch us with interested eyes, but nobody speaks. The ice-cream is so good, so cold, so welcome in the heat of the day, we don’t talk either as we walk back to the bus. We just enjoy.
The drive to our hotel takes too long. We are all tired now and the rolling hills and dramatic landscape gets hardly a comment. As soon as we leave the town we start to climb and there are mountains cutting into the sky line in the distance. The road winds and there is little other traffic. The view begins to open up and turning around I crane my neck and can just see Cienfuegos behind us, the sun beginning to slowly drop though the light on the sea is still dazzling. I lean my head against the window despite the vibration but don’t really see the passing fields and small settlements of houses but I do notice a small child and a pig playing together in a garden. Its six fifteen in the evening, my eyes are sore from swimming and my hair feel hard and tangled from the salt water. The light outside is starting to fade and the clouds behind the mountains in the middle –distance have the grey tint of rain. I start to feel a little travel sick.