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Welcome to the blog of the NeverTooLate Girl.

With the aim to try out, write about and rate the things that people say they'd like to do but haven't quite gotten around to, this website gives you the real and often humourous inside gen on whether it's really worth it.

Read about it,think about it, do it.

 The Top 20 Never Too Late List

  1. Learn to fly - RATED 4/5.
  2. Learn to shoot - RATED 4/5.
  3. Have a personal shopper day.
  4. Attend carols at Kings College Chapel on Christmas Eve - RATED 2.5/5.
  5. Have a date with a toy boy.
  6. Do a sky dive.
  7. Eat at The Ivy - RATED 4/5.
  8. Drive a Lamborgini.
  9. Climb a mountain - CURRENT CHALLENGE.
  10. Have a spa break - RATED 4.5/5.
  11. See the Northern Lights.
  12. Get a detox RATED 4/5.
  13. Read War & Peace - RATED 1/5.
  14. Go on a demonstration for something you believe in.
  15. Attend a Premier in Leicester Square.
  16. Go to Royal Ascot.
  17. Buy a Harley Davidson - RATED 5/5
  18. Study for a PhD - RATED 4/5.
  19. Visit Cuba - RATED 4/5.
  20. Be a medical volunteer overseas - RATED 3/5. 



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Cross words for the right reasons, avoiding the tar Schnapps.

I have been collecting cross words over the last few weeks ready to take with me down to the house party on the east coast over New Year.  Having been a recent discoverer of the draw of the cross word (or word cross at it was originally termed) I aim to keep my fellow cruciverbalists occupied in the time between drinks at the local pub, the New Year’s supper party and a long walk on the beach, ending up, we think, at Holkham for lunch on New Year’s Day.   The cryptic and supercryptic crosswords will be for the ace solvers only.  It will be my task at that point to volunteer to make the tea.

It’s been a busy Christmas with invitations to suppers and parties and a chance to spend time with good friends and new acquaintances.  As I sit here planning my own New Year Drinks and Open House I can’t imagine where I will fit everyone in.  But invitations accepted should (for those with good manners at least) be returned and I only hope the weather will be dry and people can spill out into the garden where they can huddle in a tight circle around the garden heaters.   I may have to borrow a gazebo or two.

Twenty fourteen looms.  This time last year I was up at the Arctic Circle in Finland on a wilderness training week.  This year’s New Year’s Eve will be distinctly more glitzy.  It’ll be less fleece base layer and shots of tar Schnapps and more satin and lace and flutes of champagne.  

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    Response: candy crush Cheats
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    Adventures of the NeverTooLate Girl - Journal - Cross words for the right reasons, avoiding the tar Schnapps.
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    Response: pubic hair removal
    Adventures of the NeverTooLate Girl - Journal - Cross words for the right reasons, avoiding the tar Schnapps.
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    Adventures of the NeverTooLate Girl - Journal - Cross words for the right reasons, avoiding the tar Schnapps.
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    Adventures of the NeverTooLate Girl - Journal - Cross words for the right reasons, avoiding the tar Schnapps.
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    Adventures of the NeverTooLate Girl - Journal - Cross words for the right reasons, avoiding the tar Schnapps.
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    Response: try what she says
    Adventures of the NeverTooLate Girl - Journal - Cross words for the right reasons, avoiding the tar Schnapps.
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    Adventures of the NeverTooLate Girl - Journal - Cross words for the right reasons, avoiding the tar Schnapps.
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    Adventures of the NeverTooLate Girl - Journal - Cross words for the right reasons, avoiding the tar Schnapps.
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    Adventures of the NeverTooLate Girl - Journal - Cross words for the right reasons, avoiding the tar Schnapps.

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